Tag: Monica Gandhi

Stanford: The Usual Suspects

Stanford University will host a conference on pandemic planning featuring the usual (COVID-19) suspects

This week, Stanford University announced a conference on pandemic policy that features several of the usual suspects who spread misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Truly, Stanford has become the "respectable" academic face of efforts to undermine public health.

/ August 26, 2024

When Did “Herd Immunity” Become a Taboo Phrase?

Doctors who repeatedly predicted herd immunity in 2020 and 2021, mocking and berating those who disagreed, now treat herd immunity as a taboo phrase.

/ September 12, 2023

Contrarian Doctors, The Pandemic is Over Again, Again

I predicted last year that contrarian doctor would continue to say "the pandemic is over". How did this prediction hold up?

/ August 21, 2022

An Open Letter to ZDoggMD

I hope you'll agree with me that the biggest advocate for vaccination on social media should have no trouble sharing all of the facts about COVID-19 and children on a very frequent basis.

/ January 21, 2022

Contrarian Doctors: The Pandemic is Over, Again

I can’t help but wonder if one of the reasons the pandemic isn’t over yet, is because contrarian doctors repeatedly said it was.

/ November 19, 2021