Tag: Abigail Alliance for Better Access to Developmental Drugs


The false hope of “right-to-try” metastasizes to Michigan

State "right-to-try" bills are springing up like kudzu all over the US. Their advocates promise that they will save lives by allowing terminally ill patients access to experimental therapeutics, when in fact they are highly unlikely to do any such thing given that the federal government, not the states, controls drug approval. In reality, right-to-try laws are a cruel sham that will...

/ July 21, 2014

“Right to try” laws and Dallas Buyers’ Club: Great movie, terrible for patients and terrible policy

"Right-to-try" is a new kind of bill that claims to give terminally ill patients the "right to try" experimental therapeutics that have passed phase 1 testing. It's a smokescreen, no more real than the movie that seemingly inspired it.

/ March 8, 2014

The illusions of “right to try” laws

[Ed. Note: For additional commentary on why “right-to-try” laws are such a bad idea, see “Right to try” laws and Dallas Buyers’ Club: Great movie, terrible for patients and terrible policy and The false hope of “right-to-try” metastasizes to Michigan.] There is nothing like a touching anecdote to spur a politician into action. And those who want to try investigational drugs outside...

/ March 6, 2014