All posts by Natalia Solenkova

Dr. Natalia Solenkova is an Intensive Care physician currently practicing in different types of ICUs and different healthcare settings. Her strong research background in cardiovascular physiology makes her particularly interested in the field of cardiovascular critical care. Beyond her clinical practice and past research, Dr. Solenkova has professional experiences in medical advocacy, health policy, and medical ethics. She is a member of several state, national, and international medical associations participating in multiple councils and committees. During the COVID pandemic, Dr. Solenkova worked in COVID ICUs across the country and saw firsthand the effect of medical disinformation on patients’ outcomes and on relationships between doctors and patients. Her experience shaped her advocacy focus, being interested in the problems that lay at the intersection of medical ethics and healthcare law.

Photo by Savvas Kalimeris on Unsplash

Voices in the Vacuum

The failure of the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator to, well, coordinate a response to COVID-19 misinformation has left physicians to fight the uphill battle on their own.

/ May 30, 2023