All posts by Jonathan Howard

Dr. Jonathan Howard is a neurologist and psychiatrist who has been interested in vaccines since long before COVID-19. He is the author of "We Want Them Infected: How the failed quest for herd immunity led doctors to embrace the anti-vaccine movement and blinded Americans to the threat of COVID."

Misinformation is Censorship

It's impossible to have a meaningful conversation with a misinformed interlocutor- and there are many- who insists COVID is just the flu, it poses a "negligible" risk to a healthy person younger than 65, and the pandemic ended long ago.

/ December 30, 2022

Did Lockdowns Cause Cancer?

Attempts to rewrite pandemic history must be resisted.

/ December 2, 2022

Was New York’s Spring 2020 COVID Wave an Illusion?

Asking for "evidence" that New York City got hit hard by COVID makes as much sense as asking for "evidence" that New York City exists in the first place.

/ November 18, 2022

Letter to a Medical Student: You Erred. You Are Owed an Apology.

While you are an adult who is responsible for your own words, the editors of Sensible Medicine did you a grave disservice by letting you publish your article.

/ November 6, 2022

Was Closing Schools an Obvious and Colossal Mistake?

Maybe it was a mistake to close schools. However, those who make this claim should honestly grapple with what would have happened had nothing been done rather than indulge an absurd fantasy that everything would have been fine and dandy.

/ November 4, 2022

Audience Capture: When COVID Influencers Follow Their Followers

Young doctors take heed.  Be careful not to develop a brand and cultivate followers you must continually impress. Because instead of leading your followers, you might become their follower.

/ October 21, 2022

Does the Mass Infection of Unvaccinated Young People Follow the “Basic Principles of Public Health”?

A pictorial refutation to a central claim of the Great Barrington Declaration.

/ October 7, 2022

Minimizing COVID Via Pseudo-Profound Bullshit

Some COVID-minimizers use "seemingly impressive assertions that are presented as true and meaningful but are actually vacuous" to fool people into thinking they are receiving profound, secret knowledge. It's actually just bullshit.

/ September 23, 2022

Did New Zealand Let Too Few People Die of COVID?

Doctors used to agree mass death was a bad thing. Not anymore.

/ September 9, 2022