Zapping Antipsychiatry ECT Nonsense
These days people's perceptions of electroconvulsive therapy have a fictionalized understanding of what it is, and its harms. The reality is quite different.
Bad Documentary Review: Family Shots
Amazon removed a number of anti-vax documentaries in March but a few still remain unfortunately. Family Shots is a anti-vax propaganda film pretending to be a documentary about a father trying to find out if vaccines are safe. It also got government funding to be made. Yeah...
A Review of Under Our Skin, A Cult Classic
Under Our Skin is a propaganda film attempting to sell viewers dangerous treatments for 'chronic Lyme disease', a rejected diagnosis not recognized by any legitimate medical organization.
Vape Nation: Vaping Is Bad, Kids
The Surgeon General declared youth e-cigarette use to be an epidemic, but many vaping communities online downplay the risks. What does the evidence show?
Flipping the Script In Action: The Nick Gundersen Case
The tragic consequences of a boy with leukemia and a mother who believed an alternative medicine documentary-maker over her son's oncologist.
The Drugless Doctor’s ADHD Nonsense
The Drugless Doctor isn't a doctor, and as a chiropractor is totally unqualified to provide medical advice on almost everything, including ADHD.
Afflicted and the Tragedy of Fake Illnesses
Afflicted is a documentary following the lives and treatments of people "diagnosed" with illnesses not recognized by science. Conversely, it could also be seen as a documentary illustrating the risks and harms of alternative medicine.
A Review of Flipping The Script: Parents Fight Back
Jeff Witzeman has released a new documentary on cancer, Flipping the Script: Parents Fight Back. It is terrible and dangerous.
Bad Documentary Review: Cancer Can Be Killed
Cancer Can Be Killed is a conspiracy thriller masquerading as a documentary. Don't watch it.