Month: June 2022
Medical debt vs. universal health insurance: The interface between SBM and policy
This blog has long argued that the best medicine is science-based medicine (SBM). The problem is that in the US SBM is often not accessible, except at ruinous cost, which is why I argue that we have to broaden our definition of SBM to include the systems that deliver it and pay for it.
Was the Delta Variant 😂 for Children?
Maybe this year, sheltered doctors will realize that variants with the potential to hospitalize and kill children can't just be brushed away with 😂 and that sarcastic requests to wait "2 weeks🙄" rarely age well.
Are Frontline Healthcare Workers The Laptop Class?
An examination of the claim that "Public health is for the laptop class".
How Safe is CBD?
CBD is a drug, but sold as both a drug and herbal supplement. What does the current evidence say about its safety?
A review of Are Electromagnetic Fields Making Me Ill? How Electricity and Magnetism Affect Our Health, by Bradley J. Roth
A new book explores some of the (un)scientific controversies about electromagnetic radiation and health.
Justin Bieber, Ramsay Hunt syndrome, SADS, and how to antivaxxers everything is always about vaccines
I never thought I'd be writing about Justin Bieber, but such are the strange times we live in, given how after Bieber announced that he had developed facial paralysis as a result of Ramsay Hunt syndrome antivaxxers swooped in to blame it on COVID-19 vaccines. Elsewhere, they blame every unexplained death of a young person on vaccines to the point of claiming...
Cleveland Clinic Drops the Ball in an Attempt to Educate Parents on Safe Sleep
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. More Cleveland Clinic more problems, this time it's some questionable advice on safe sleep for infants.
Garlic, the fragrant panacea
Garlic supplements are claimed to treat and cure nearly every disease. What does the evidence say?
Is There a Replication Crisis?
The true causes and implications of the replication problem in science.
A Pox on All Our Houses
‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Monkeypox. What’s Monkeypox? It is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What’s in a name? That which we call an orthopoxvirus By any other name would sicken as much; So Monkeypox would, were...